Welcome to My World
Asher’s telepathic remote viewing of a future event in my life. I love the Frost Fair in my town. It’s held on the final Saturday of November. The town centre is closed to traffic. Stalls, stages and smiling people…
Asher’s telepathic remote viewing of a future event in my life. I love the Frost Fair in my town. It’s held on the final Saturday of November. The town centre is closed to traffic. Stalls, stages and smiling people…
There was a man, once, who followed my writing on Medium. He always clapped and was invariably charming and polite in the comments he left. The trouble was, I persisted in writing about my experiences with Asher, and how he…
Coins, when you think about it, do have three sides. Certainly, we’re more accustomed to seeing the familiar, flat heads or tails surfaces, but there is also that narrow, curved rim that connects the two. In rare circumstances, that is where our…
The 26th April, 2024 wasn’t the first time Asher had instructed me to feel into his heart. He would never have said it in our face-to-face conversations. They didn’t go that way at all. This, though, was a different way…
Perhaps you have had some interesting psychic connections with others. There are more of us than you might think. “As you share our story, others like you will acknowledge the wisdom and knowing they have seen in children or…
I really shouldn’t be surprised that Asher can pull this off. He proved to me when he was a very small child that he could act the part of a polite, well-behaved and hard-working pupil in my class, whilst secretly…
By now, just about everyone is familiar with what has been termed the ‘wood-wide web’: Susanne Simard’s stunning discover of the tiny threads of mycelium or mycorrhizal network that lies beneath our feet in a forest, connecting tree roots and…
I’d been wondering recently. I’d acted in good faith. As a teacher of small children with speech and language difficulties, it never crossed my mind not to try to ‘improve’ their verbal communication skills. I thought it was my job.…
Telepathy, by its very nature, involves the subtlest of senses. For me it’s been a hard-fought battle to put aside the nagging voices of logic and reason on the one hand and the clamour of everyday 3D life on the…
Why I’m telling this story: The boy’s tale Imagine you have a story to tell — a fantastical, stunning, inspiring story in which every word is true…but you are completely unable to share it with anyone else. You sit there,…