Perhaps you have had some interesting psychic connections with others. There are more of us than you might think.
“As you share our story, others like you will acknowledge the wisdom and knowing they have seen in children or adults they care for or guide. There are people like me who ‘live in the clouds’ but can’t function on the ground well enough to tell their own stories. However, they will have that one person they are aligned with who will be able to blend consciousness with them and bring the story back.” — Asher
On the day I blended consciousness with Asher — an autistic man who finds words too cumbersome to work with and chooses to send thoughts instead — and was able to translate his mental projections into the words above, I hoped it was true. I hoped others would find our story. I hoped some would recognise this mysterious way of communicating and be encouraged to speak out; to say, “Hey, yes! We do that too!”
I was not convinced it would happen. We live in a society where those who can’t function on the ground well enough to tell their own stories are considered disordered or disabled. They are pitied, sidelined and largely ignored. As for people who claim to be able to converse with them, to access the amazing minds of those not entirely tethered to their compromised human bodies… I’d experienced enough derision and disbelief from friends, family and the few colleagues I dared to confide in, to have fairly low expectations of discovering any.
If someone had told me, as I typed Asher’s message into the manuscript of A Mind Beyond Words, that a year or two later I’d be sitting in an English pub, on a spring afternoon, swapping anecdotes and experiences with two people who had also found ways of communicating with non-speakers, and finding huge swathes of common ground, I probably would not have believed it.
Both of these fantastic ladies had discovered me through my writing about Asher. Both had contacted me and were keen to discuss similar experiences.
Now, by some weird and wonderful synchronicity, we were all in the same country, the same city, and free on this same day to meet up and chat.
“Did you ever wonder whether it was really happening — whether you really were getting this information from these non-speaking people?” one asked.
We all laughed. Yes! So many times! And then something would happen that would just swat those doubts and fears away and make it absolutely clear that not only were they able to communicate, but what they were communicating was light years ahead of just about every conversation we’d had with anyone else.
We’d all had experience of working with non-speaking or semi-speaking children. We were now all in contact with non-speaking adults. (Asher can speak, but elects not to when communicating with me, so we were all functionally in the same situation.) Two of us had worked with the same individuals since they were children. The other has only had a year or so working with her current telepathic partners.
I wish, in retrospect, that I’d made notes as we spoke, but the excitement of being with these kindred spirits and hearing my own stories echoed in theirs, pushed it out of my mind. We just needed to connect.
I’ll do my best, here, to draw together some of the themes that emerged clearly from our discussion.
At times our thoughts blend with the non-speaking person we’re working with. It’s not just telepathy at those times; it’s a full-on mind meld.
There have been times I’ve been so tuned in to Asher, that I was unable to tell where my ideas ended and his began. We simply ‘had thoughts’ as a shared experience. The other two had both experienced the same thing, when vibrations were high enough.
They use the information in our minds to get their ideas across to us. If we don’t have the vocabulary or ability to conceive what they are trying to tell us, they won’t be able to share it.
Both my companions had received messages in Spanish from non-speakers who had never learned the language. Mary Ann was told by her non-speaking mentors that they could share information in any language the receiver knew, but not one that they didn’t.
The same was true of technical, scientific or esoteric information. I find I have to read books on quantum physics, epigenetics and neuroscience, for example, in order for Ash to be able to share information with me. His information may be beyond current discoveries and theories, but he can share it as long as I understand the vocabulary and have a mental framework that allows me to comprehend his concepts to a degree.
It’s us, not them, who are playing catch-up
The limitations are in us — the receivers. They have access to infinite amounts of knowledge and understanding. There are no limits in the dimensions they visit.
There are two very different aspects to communication with each of them
There is functional human communication: Simple yes/no or closed questions to keep their human bodies comfortable. Would they prefer a burger or pizza? Do they need the bathroom? Do they want to go outside?
Then there is this quite different metaphysical information. Each of them has instant access to what Asher calls The Realms — other dimensions, other realities. Some are able to use assisted communication methods; others rely entirely on telepathy for this.
They tell us they have embodied in this way in order to focus on the important stuff
They are here to help move humanity on. They are assisting us to come through The Shift, the next level of evolution or however we want to see it. They are working at a very high frequency for the benefit of us all. By making a soul-level choice to be born with ‘faulty’ bodies, they have sacrificed a more comfortable physical existence to allow themselves to give most of their energy to their soul purpose. They are free of the tiresome details of everyday life that consume the rest of us.
They are in constant communication with others like themselves
They describe it as a collective, a hive mind. Asher said it’s like a flock of birds or a school of fish, moving together and behaving as one, with a common intention.
Just that morning, one of our trio – the brilliant care home assistant mentioned in this post – had been having a telepathic chat, at a distance, with a resident in a care home where she sometimes works. Suddenly she felt him say he had to go. Staff had arrived to get him ready for the day. He then told her she could carry on the conversation with a different resident, as he’d briefed this lady fully and she could continue where he left off. The transfer was seamless.
There was more, much more, we discussed that day.
For each of us, has the opportunity to find so many similarities in the ways we work, to hear that each of these silent-but-magical people are sharing the same messages with us, and to agree that we owe it to them to get their message out to others, was encouraging, affirming and awesome. We all vowed to keep ‘listening’ to, and recording, the wisdom they share, in the hope that the closed minds of the ‘experts’ may eventually be opened and the true wonder and worth of these differently-abled people will be recognised.
If we three, from quite different places and backgrounds, have independently discovered this virtually untapped source of giftedness, patience and knowledge, I’m now convinced there must be others. Perhaps the ‘hive mind’ of our autistic and other non-speaking friends drew us together. I suspect that is the case. If so, there will be more synchronicities, more such meetings and more wonders to come.
We’ve barely started…
I’m thrilled you’re meeting others communicating with these brilliant souls. I keep trying to think of who might be open to your experiences, to share your book with them. I have a feeling that those in Asher’s network will be finding their way to you.
Thanks Susan!
I really appreciate you spreading the word.
Yes, they certainly do seem to be turning up, from all over the globe. It feels so good to make these connections.